Application Deadline Jul 01,2025
RMB 45000 per year
Programme objectives With improvements in our understanding of the natural enviroment and changes in human values, it has become clear that governance systems must incorporate consideration of ecosystems,resulting in the need for ocean policy makers and coastal resources managers to have a background in the natural sciences,social sciences and economics.The Master of Science in Marine Affairs programme(MMA) is designed for those interested in the study of the complex issues of coastal and ocean management.
Marine Affairs is an interdisciplinary major,taught by a faculty of specialists in the fields of geography,policial science,law,anthropology,environmental planning, oceanography, environmental and resources economics, and general economics. This programme examines policy problems at local, regional, national, and international levels.
The programme objectives include: 1. Fostering highly trained and multi-disciplinary specialists in research and management in marine affairs on behalf of marine communities. 2. Providing for the needs of individuals who will be working in government departments, academic and research institutions, and consultancy companies. 3. Promoting the building and development of the interdisciplinary field of marine affairs.
Academic calendar 1 st Semester: Autumn semester from mid-September to mid-January 2 nd Semester: Spring semester from mid-February to mid-July
Core course descriptions * Marine Science and Ocean Uses Introduction to basic marine processes, selected ocean uses and their policy issues. The course focuses on the interplay of public policy and marine science with an emphasis on implications for policy, such as resources and energy extraction. Students will gain a basic understanding of the topics covered in the main sub-field of oceanography, an understanding of the scientific methodology and knowledge of how oceanographic information is applied in representative public debates.
* Marine Resources Economics The principles and application of economics to the management of marine resources, and conflicts and problems which arise in the exploitation of marine environments. Particular attention is paid to marine and coastal resources valuation, bio-economic models, environmental issues, marine resource damage assessment, and the management of renewable and non-renewable resources.
After completion of this course, students will understand the causes of the many problems associated with renewable resource exploitation and the multiple uses of the marine environment. They will appreciate the role of economic analysis in framing methods for resolving these problems, and be able to appraise critically practical policy experiences at national and global levels.
* International Ocean Law This course will examine the principles of international law as they relate to ocean management problems: jurisdiction in zones, such as territorial seas, exclusion zones and the high seas, as well as the problems posed by zonal approaches to ocean-use management.
The course will provide the student with a solid grounding in: 1) the manner in which international ocean law is formulated and developed, and how the international legal system functions. 2) the role of international law as a significant tool for ocean use management; 3) the characteristics and nature of different offshore legal zones as well as the rights and obligations of states in those zones.
* Marine Affairs This course consists of an interdisciplinary seminar conducted by the Marine Affairs programme faculty supplemented by guest speakers from research institutions, industry and government. It focuses on problems of marine resources development and management at the local, regional, national and international policy level.
The course will introduce many topics in ocean and coastal related fields and challenge students to consider techniques for systematic analysis and decision-making. Through this course, students will broaden their topical knowledge, and develop their understanding of analytical approaches.
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