[Study in China story]Orientation for Freshmen Held

On November 21, an orientation and starting education for new students was conducted in Friendship Villa. Tutor from Student Administration Office, along with student assistants, carried out a lecture pertaining to the following five aspects: school introduction, campus activities, school regulations, immigration administration law and intercultural adaptation for the freshmen.


The tutor first introduced SAU and its diversified campus activities. Then the session highlighted a detailed introduction of school rules and code of conduct. Special attention was given to China’s immigration policies, including legal provisions of holding residence permit and prohibiting illegal activities such as illegal employment and drug use. The tutor outlined the severe consequences of such violations by true cases, emphasizing the importance of observing law and finishing school smoothly. Finally, it gave some guidance on intercultural adaptation for the new students, targeting the intercultural conflict on campus.


This orientation was an invaluable lesson for freshmen to better understand university life and their responsibilities as international students in China. It ensured that they were well-prepared to embrace their academic journey while respecting local laws and cultural norms.
