Why Study in Guangxi Medical University

A wealth of faculty. The school has a full-time faculty of 834, of whom 204 bears senior professional titles, 284 vice-senior titles, accounting for 58.51% of the full-time total. The teachers with doctoral degree are 225 in number, master 406, accounting for 75.66% of the full-time total. Tutors of doctor are 86 in number and advisers of master 405. The ratio of teachers to students is 13.81:1, and that in medical field 7.72:1. The teachers who enjoy the special allowance from the state government are 68 in number, the young and middle-aged specialists who bear the national level title of outstanding contribution 6, national model teachers, excellent teachers and pioneer workers 18, winners of the national May 1st Labor Medal 3, and winners of kinds of honor 52 person-times. In addition, the school has a group of excellent calibers, who are rated as candidates for cultivation projects of leading scholars at higher institutes of levels.

Good sources of students. In 2003 our school began to enroll the students with their entrance-exam results qualified for key universities. And now there are 9264 full-time students on campus, of whom are undergraduates 4979 in number, master candidates 1705, doctoral candidates 149, international students 349, students of higher technical vocation and full-time adult 2082, coming from 26 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan province and 19 countries. Since 1978, the school has enrolled international students from 54 countries.

Good sources of students. In 2003 our school began to enroll the students with their entrance-exam results qualified for key universities. And now there are 9264 full-time students on campus, of whom are undergraduates 4979 in number, master candidates 1705, doctoral candidates 149, international students 349, students of higher technical vocation and full-time adult 2082, coming from 26 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan province and 19 countries. Since 1978, the school has enrolled international students from 54 countries.

 Notable achievements in teaching reform. With educational and teaching reforms being advanced, the priority of teaching in our school has been promoted. Since 2004, the university has assumed 499 research topics on teaching reform, with teaching achievement prizes awarded of 17 provincial level for recent 2 sessions, and has established 1 innovative and experimental zone for cultivating patterns of national level talents, 4 teaching theaters of provincial level. Teachers of the school have compiled or jointly compiled 109 sets of teaching materials, of which 49 is national project textbooks, 14 sets authored, winning 15 provincial level prizes for excellent teaching material, state or ministerial level prizes for multimedia teaching courseware, of which 5 is the national first prize, and 12 the second prize. From 2004 to 2007, the graduates from our school had taken part in the National Test for the Qualification of a Clinician, with throughput rates higher than those of the years respectively by 9.35%, 8.30%, 14.40% and 14.46%.

Outstanding achievements in scientific research. Our university regards the scientific research as the important measure to improve the teaching. Awarded the Scientific and Technological Progress Awards of national and provincial level, the research departments of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Cardiovascular Diseases, snake venom and hemoglobinopathy still play an important role in the scientific research. We also strengthen the construction of Experimental Center of Medical Sciences of GXMU and Guangxi Laboratory Animal Center. For the past five years, Guangxi Medical University has acquired 1104 projects of national and provincial level, of which 51 have been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and 91 projects have been awarded the Guangxi Scientific and Technological Progress Award. Basic and Clinical Study of Common Pate-Cervix Malignancy in Guangxi was awarded Guangxi Special Contribution Award for Science and Technology. 30 projects have been applied for the patent. 3755 research papers have been published in foreign journals and Chinese core journals, of which 62 have been included in SCI. There are 30 works edited and co-edited by the universities. PhD thesis The Effect of Leucocyte Interferon-5 on Pathogenesis of Bronchia Asthma was assessed as the National Excellent PhD thesis, which is the first one among the universities in Guangxi. Innovative teams for respiratory diseases, popular disease in Guangxi, and organ rebuilding were assessed as Teams for Innovation in the Construction of Talent Highlands in Guangxi Institutions of Higher Learning.
