Merck Serono Scholaiship for Chinese Elites Lanched in Xiangya School of Medicine


At the forum themed with "Pursuing science and improving life quality" jointly hosted by Merck Serono Co., Ltd. of Germany and CSU's Xiangya School of Medicine, the Merck Serono Scholarship for Chinese Elites was launched On June 2,

It is reported that in order to help cultivate Chinese medical talents, Merck Serono Co., Ltd. will offer RMB 6,000,000 yuan of scholarship in total in the following years to set up "Merck Serono Social Commitment Fund for Encouragement" directed at outstanding students of lower grade who are suffering poverty and "Merck Serono Scholarship for Chinese Elites" directed at excellent medical students of higher grade in the top 20 universities of China.
CSU, as one of the universities in China that are granted the above-mentioned two scholarships, will award scholarship of RMB 300,000 yuan to outstanding students of CSU in the future three years. As a result, there will be ten third-grade students of clinical medicine to be awarded scholarship of RMB 5,000 yuan every year which aims to stimulate them into forging ahead in medical realm with determination. Besides, Central South University will award Merck Serono Social Commitment Fund for Encouragement to 60 excellent poor students of lower grade.
