The 25th International Conference on Ballistics was convened in Beijing, co-hosted by Chinese Ordnance Society and Nanjing University of Science and Technology


At 8:00 am on May 18, the 25th International Conference on Ballistics was convened at the Friendship Hotel in Beijing, China. This was the first meeting of this kind to be convened in an Asian country. The conference was co-hosted by the Chinese Ordnance Society and Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, Mr. Wang Zhongyuan, a professor of our university, presided over the opening ceremony as executive chairman and delivered a theme report on behalf of China.

About 300 experts and scholars from 30 countries attended the conference at which 212 theses were accepted. Forty-five were those of our university (including six oral and 39 posters). During the event, a discussion and exchange were conducted on the future trend and breakthrough of relevant technologies in such fields as interior ballistics, exterior ballistics, launch dynamics, warheads, equipment and personnel protection and wound ballistics. 