Master’s Degree Courses For International Students


The IM.Ed-ELP program consists of two semesters of full-time academic work, with a minimum course requirement of 36 credits to complete the degree, including the public required course (Chinese as Foreign Language and Chinese Culture), 5 credits; foundation courses, 9 credits; required courses, 12 credits; electives, no less than 4credits; Education Practicum and Field Work, 6 credits.

1. Foundation Courses (9 credits)
? Educational Policy and Educational Reform: International Perspectives
? Educational Leadership and Organization Development
? Methods of Educational Research and Thesis Writing

2. Required Courses (12 credits)
? Analyzing Education Policy: Theory and Practice
? School Development and Education Leadership
? Educational Statistics and Assessment
? The Application  of ICT in Teaching-learning and Educational Management

3. Elective Courses (4 credits)
? Teacher Quality and Educational Quality in China
? Curriculum and Instructional Reform of Basic Education in China
? Promoting Vocational and Technical Education for Sustainable Development in Chinese Rural and Urban Areas

4. Chinese as Foreign Language and Chinese Culture (5 credits)

5. Education Practicum and Field Work (6 credits)

Master Thesis

Students are expected to bring specific research questions concerning educational leadership and policy to the program, as a part of thesis research preparation. Towards the end of the first semester, related faculty members will be invited as potential thesis supervisors, and the ECNU International Center of Teacher Education will make arrangement for students to choose their supervisors. The thesis is expected to combine theoretical perspectives, analytical skills and practical experiences of educational leadership and policy, and aiming at solving practical problems. Students must pass oral defense for the thesis.

Degree Requirements

Students are required to successfully complete 36 credit-worth course work and a master thesis and thesis defense within the required time period. After meeting the above requirements and with the approval of University Degree Committee, the master degree of Education will be awarded.
