Excellent Performance in the Virtual instrument Design Competition


From starting on July 2010, it has gained attention from the relevant state administrative departments and the relevant institutions. The competition drawed participants from the 184 universities 915 team, the competition for entry. entries 462 with tracking control technology and instruments, automatic, computers, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering and communication engineering and electronic engineering, power engineering construction project, the space science and automobile a professional way, the extensive coverage.

From the school physics and Zhao Guozhong professor Cuiye teacher for direction, and physics provides students with Liu Chen and Cao Hua respectively under the "star" dream team to "physical light on a number of teams emerge as a candidate in the final and won in the finals at one stroke of the group and software group. a third prize and second respectively from Tsinghua university, Zhejiang university, Harbin and National Defense University of Science and Technology of the team received
