Gardian's Agreement
2011/09/26本人愿意作为 (国籍)留学生 (姓名)在首都经济贸易大学学习期间的事务担保人,并担保如下事项:
I am willing to be the guardian of (name of the student),from(nationality) during his/her study at the Capital University of Economics and usiness(CUEB),and hereby affirm the following terms:
To supervise the student to make sure that he/her will abide by the laws of
Chinese govermment and will not engage in any illegal activity.
To ensure that the student will study hard and observe all rules and regulations of CUEB.
To ensure that the student will pay on time the expenses required and once he/her is unable to do it, I will bear the expenses.
To be responsible for any unexpected event that happens during he/her stay at CUEB.
担保人资料 Guardian’s Information:
姓名Name: ________________ 性别Sex:______ 年龄Age: ________
国籍Nationality __________
与被担保学生关系Relationship with the student _____________________________
工作单位Company ___________________________________________________________
家庭住址Home Address ______________________________________________________
电话Tel _________________ 传真Fax _____________电子邮件E-mail _____________
签名Signature ____________________ 日期 Date ______________________________
The guardian of a foreign student at CUEB could be an individual adult,or an organization. The guardian may be inside or outside of China
All of the above information must be accurate and complete.And a copy of the guardian’s ID or passport Must be provided together with this letter.