Field Trip to ICS TV show 'Culture Matters'


On Sunday 6th November, Dr. William Smith and several students from the Events Management Department of the School of Business at SBC, took part in the recording of the ICS TV show 'Culture Matters' which was aired at 7 p.m. on Sunday 27th November.

During the show, the host and hostess discussed the topic 'passion for vintage fashion' with their four guests.  Each guest shared a favorite item from their own vintage collection and spoke about vintage shopping experiences. During the show, a couple of students had the opportunity to try on some vintage clothes and accessories.

At the end of the show, a small 'flea market' was held in the studio. The hostess, guests, SBC students and other audience members took part in a vintage collection 'swap'. Some lucky people made very successful exchanges!

Students who attended the show said that it was a fantastic experience that they really enjoyed. They all agreed that vintage fashion is environmentally friendly and should be actively promoted.
