

1.  New students:
◆ Deposit: Students should submit the deposit to the international office when you are assigned room no. to stay.
◆ tuition fees, accommodation, books fees: Students should submit all these fees to the financial department within the first two weeks of the term. After your payment of total fees, the international office will take you to the police to help you get residence permit. If you delay the payment, it will happen that the police will refuse your residence permit application.
◆  The international office will provide you a list for payment and will take you to the financial department.
2.  Students already studying one year in school
Next school year fees should be submitted before the valid date of residence permit. Then the international office will take you to the police to apply new residence permit. All this must be done before the valid date of residence permit, otherwise you will become illegal resident.

List of Fees
一、Tuition Fees:(RMB)
Student type Length of studying tuition
Language training student Half year 5,000 RMB/half year
 One year 10,000 RMB/year
Student Arts 12,000 RMB/year
 Science 12,000 RMB/year
Graduate student All majors 16,000 RMB/year

Overseas student apartment
(two bedroom apartment) 6,300 RMB/half year Air conditioner, internet, shower , bath room, kitchen, washing machine
  free water, electricity, gas and internet
Graduate dormitory
(for two ) 1,400 RMB/half year Shower,bath room Fee water and internet.
plus 150 electricity meter free /term/room

三、other fees(RMB)
Registration fee+JW202 form
  Health check insurance Book material Residence permit deposit
500 RMB 290 RMB Plus 200元 300 RMB(language student)
1,000 RMB(undergraduate) 400 RMB(1 year) 500RMB(returned on leave)
