15 SCUT projects approved by NSSF

Recently, 2014 annual project approval list of National Social Science Fund was announced. 15 SCUT projects were approved, which would be awarded RMB 3million in total. 7 more projects were approved this year compared with those in 2013, ranking No. 4 in Guangdong province, which was also the best project approval record by NSSF in recent years.

These approved projects covered 9 disciplines, including 3 projects from economics, 2 from law, philosophy, and management respectively, 1 from CPC history and CPC building, foreign literature, journalism and communication studies, library information and documentation science, sports science, Marxism-Leninism and scientific socialism respectively. The approved projects in two disciplines -- foreign literature, library information and documentation science made a breakthrough this year.
It is reported that this year, 28,186 valid applications were received, while only 3,818 projects approved. The number of the approved projects decreased slightly compared with those of last year. 85 projects from SCUT applied, 17.6% of which were approved. 