Introduction to Shenyang


Brief Introduction 

Shenyang is also known as Shengjing or Mukden, which is located in the south of Northeast China, the middle part of Liaoning Province. It is one of China’s six major and national regional centers. Capital of Liaoning Province, Shenyang is the core city of Shenyang Economic Zone, Northeast China’ center of economy, culture, science and technology. Also a hub for finance and trade, Shenyang is the first big city in Northeast China.

Shenyang is an important industrial center in China. It has been focused on heavy industry, particularly aerospace, machine tools, heavy equipment, and defence, and recently, on software, automobile, and electronics. The economy of the city has evolved quickly in recent years, thanks to the Chinese government’s “Revitalize Northeast China” campaign and the rapid development of software and auto manufacture industries.

History and Culture
Shenyang is a famous historical and cultural city with more than 2,600 years of history. As it is located in the north of Hun He River(Known as Shen Shui River in ancient times), the city is named as Shenyang and breeds the early culture of the Liao River Basin, one of the birthplace of the Chinese nation. The most famous thing about Shenyang is that it is the birthplace of Qing Dynasty, which has one of the only two complete remaining palaces of China, the other one is in the capital city, Beijing, known as the Forbidden City.


Shenyang Imperial Palace (the former imperial palace of the early Qing Dynasty) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Beiling Park and Zhaoling (the tomb of the second Qing emperor, Huang Taiji) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
