Why Study in SJZU

The university has 15 subordinate schools and 1560 faculty members are working at SJZU currently, including more than 102 professors and 210 associate professors and 14 subject experts. Current enrollment consists of nearly 18,000 degree candidates, including 11,634 undergraduates, 1600 graduates as well as doctorate students and students enrolled in adult and professional schools. Since 1956, SJZU has been enrolling foreign students. And every year there are over 200 foreign students, mainly from Korea,Russia,America, Germany,Britain, Finland, Austria, Cameroon, Vietnam,Philippines and Japan, studying in SJZU. The employment status of 2002-2009 graduates takes front rank in the top 47 universities of Liaoning province.

SJZU is entitled to confer Master’s Degrees in 30 programs and a Doctoral Degree in 14 programs. She also has 6 provincial major subjects and 8 provincial key laboratories. Undergraduate Education consists of 5 sciences and 33 subjects. Among them, 7 subjects are nationally approved and subjects of Civil Engineering & Architecture have both passed the evaluation of Education Ministry. The university was approved as an experimental school to cultivate excellent athletes of snow skiing, gymnastics in 2002. ShenyangJianzhuUniversity has set up sister relationships with more than 54 universities in 30 countries around the world. In this way, ShenyangJianzhuUniversity has strengthened its connection with the foreign universities worldwide.
